Starting Over...
“A gifted woman makes herself relevant in society by using her gifts for the right things.”
-Gift Gugu Mona
Hello Internet Besties and Baddies,
I got a lot of explaining to do, but please let me begin with where the heck I’ve been over these last two years.
Since 2021, I have been grinding away in coffee businesses to get a feel of the industry before I open my own coffee shop one day. After many countless attempts to find a job within my field, I have decided to stop chasing for opportunity, and give it to myself by becoming an entrepreneur and selling one of my favorite things- specialty coffee. I have given my undivided attention to learning and growing in the industry, as well as researching how to write the perfect business plan that will grant me the loan to make my dreams come true. However, a lot more has happened within that time span.
2021-2022 consisted of the following: anxiety, heartbreak, finally facing who I am, and deciding to begin the journey of healing. These last two years contained many trials and tribulations, which is why I have been M.I.A for the longest time.
After realizing that I need to channel every creative aspect of myself as a way to experience true happiness, I decided to get back behind the keyboard and start blogging again. As much as I love making lattes, I missed having a presence online and sharing with all of you everything I love and value.
My content, however, is going to look a little different than what I published in the past. Fashion will forever be a passion of mine and I’m still going to share stuff that brings joy to my everyday life, but my end goal is to be the voice for people who deal with the same struggles as I do. With that said, this blog and my social media content are going to be treated as an online diary where everyone can go to find a sense of comfort and hope.
Thank you to all who took the time to read today’s blog post. Before I say farewell for today, I want to end this blog post with this message: don’t worry kings and queens. We’re all in this together! <3