I'm Finally Starting My Coffee Business!

Hi Friends and welcome back to the blog!

I’ve been M.I.A for a month now, but it’s because of the exciting news I’m going about to share. Drum roll, please…. 🥁🥁🥁🥁


You read that right, y’all! It’s happening! I’m launching phase one of my business, which is running a coffee cart that I can bring to the farmer’s market, special events, and more where I can get my name out to the community before I open an actual shop. I’m aiming to begin operations this summer.

Now let me explain why it took so long to launch my business. I hope you’re comfortable because I’m about to get vulnerable, here.

Over the last few months, I had second thoughts on whether or not I should pursue a business in this industry. It wasn’t just the current state of our economy, how opening a business would affect my personal life or the amount of money I would need to start a cart let alone a coffee shop. On top of all these concerns and worries was the doubt I had for myself.

For the longest time, I didn’t believe I could be a business owner. I truly believed that I was incapable of doing so, and should go back to school and study for a master’s degree that could “possibly” get me a 9-5 job. After confiding in my family and listening to stories of some of the most inspirational entrepreneurs who dealt with the same obstacle, I realized that I was feeding myself lies this entire time. After acknowledging this notion and remembering my worth and skills, I decided to move forward and kickstart my career.

Thank you to everyone who has helped me remember who I am and what I can bring to my community and beyond. If it weren’t for my family, friends, and co-workers for being my cheerleaders, the logo down below wouldn’t exist today. To stay updated on the cart, head over to Instagram and follow Latte No.5 Mobile Espresso Bar at @latteno.5. Cheers to new beginnings!

