Judgment Gives Them More Power...
Hey Friends,
Happy Monday! I want to start this week off by talking about something my therapist and I discussed in a recent one-on-one session.
In our session, I expressed to her that no matter what, I let people get the best of me. What I’ve noticed over the last few months is that if someone is rude to me, even in the slightest way possible, all of my joy is replaced with low self-esteem, anger, and bitterness.
I then start judging the other person and think what a b**** or a****** they were along with some other names on top. When I get this way, I think in my own head that it’s going to make me feel better but in reality, judgment gives them more power.
This revelation may sound confusing, but let me explain. When someone has hurt us in any shape or form, our natural reaction is to get mad and think of things we could or wish we can say back. Our anger drives us to desire retaliation.
This is where mean people win because when you allow someone to get inside your head, you use up all your time, energy, and headspace just thinking about them. Instead of upholding your self-worth, you become their #1 fan for the wrong reasons.
For anyone who struggles with this as I do, here are a few strategies that help me maintain my happiness and self-worth without judging others:
Take a minute to yourself and breathe.
Remember that judging others only allows them to get the best of you.
Clear your head by reminding yourself of all of the wonderful qualities that make up you, and what a stranger, friend, or relative says or thinks DOES NOT define you. You know yourself better than anyone else, babe!
If you encounter someone who wants to bring you down this week (or any day), remember your worth and protect your power by not even thinking twice about the haters.